Monday, September 28, 2009

The Light

Today, I was thinking about the concept of "light". There are so many different ways one interprets "the light". When you look up the word "light" the dictionary gives you all sorts of different definitions that is summed up as an illumination or an awareness when used as a noun, bright and luminescent when used as an adjective, and to ignite or start a fire when used as a verb. When i contemplated the idea of light further and further throughout the day, the idea became more and more complex. Light has a very popular positive connotation. However, the light can be seen in a negative manner as well.

On one hand, light can be seen as a sign of hope when used in the well known phrase "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel". It's used in a positive way as the light is used to brighten the darkness. Or you will also hear people say, "you are the light of my life" to describe how a person brings light to the dark life or perhaps brightens an already happy person's life or day.

Generally speaking I see a positive type of light in two basic ways. One is the light such as moonlight. The light of the moon shines gloriously upon the dark canvas that is night. It sheds light on places where there is no light creating such emphasis on how powerful a spot of light can be in dark places. And on the other hand there is the light that is like daylight. Daylight brightens what is already a lit day. The sun's rays amplify the day making it a brighter day.

In opposition, there are negative connotations of light. For example, when people express the phrase, "don't follow the light" as if the "light" signifies one's death. Now I understand that's a debatable point seeing as though those with terminal illnesses and such may want to go towards the light to alleviate their pain. But, generally speaking, a healthy person would tell another healthy person to "stay away from the light". Or another negative is if you are ever to be interrogated. I personally have never gone through this. I just see this on tv and in movies. The infamous interrogation light. This light is shoved in your face to get you "to talk", so to speak. It is supposed to get your nerves going and make you sweat.

What does one make of the light that is spotlight? Some people enjoy being in the spotlight, and some people don't enjoy the spotlight in the least. Some people commit a crime and run from the spotlight of "ghetto birds" (if you don't know what i'm talking about, ask someone...). However, if you're on a performance stage, you seek the spotlight; you earn the right to be in the spotlight; to be highlighted in a performance setting.

One of the definitions of light in the verb form is to ignite, like fire. Yesterday, my pastor spoke of fire in two different manners. Fire can keep you warm, or it can burn you if you get too close. Is that the same as the light? Is your light keeping you warm? Or is it burning you?

Kids go to sleep with a nightlight. Is the light really that comforting? What is it about the light that makes things so comforting? Do you ever wonder that? Or, perhaps it has nothing to do with the light. Perhaps the question is, what is it about the dark that makes it so frightening? Well, personally I'm not a fan of the dark. But more so than anything, I'm not a fan of shadows in the night. What causes shadows... well an object interfering with the path of the light. If there is no light, there is no shadow.

I prefer the light over the dark. I seek light in a dark situation. The moonlight has a greater impact on me than the sunlight. I search for the light in people. I understand that all of us as humans have some darkness in us, but I look for the light to shine through in people's personalities, in their eyes, and in their souls.

Ironically, with all that said, light is necessary to us as human beings. Sunlight is necessary for plants to grow and therefore the light is necessary for us when it comes to food.The sunlight also provides vitamins our body needs to function properly as well. The light is necessary for us to see colors. No colors exist if there is an absence of light. The light enables us to see objects and to see one another. For those who are capable of reading this, consider yourself blessed because there are those who cannot see to read this, and therefore cannot see the light. Light direct us. It tells us when to go and stop. Light gives us a heads up and a warning when flashing. Light can be an indication of life.

With all this said, I'm going to leave you with of my most favorite songs of all time...

What does light mean to you? Do you have someone who is the light of your life? What purposes does light serve you? Do you have a love for the light, or is it the fear of darkness? Could you imagine your life without it?

Thanks for listening!
...until next time... :)

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