Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Last week's recap

So, I've been meaning to write since last Friday, then again on Monday, and again on Tuesday, but as you can see, that obviously didn't happen. So I'll take a moment to look back on last week's festivities, fun, and thoughts. Let's start with Friday

was a busy day here at Western (the place I work). It's funny because Sonia (one of my new friends.. yeah, I'd call her a friend) always talk about Grey's.. and boy was it good! So, we've come to the conclusion that Haan may really be gay and she's just trying to hide it. Sloan really is a man whore, but I feel like the meeting with the nurses was a turning point
and he may try to change his ways. It's a long shot, but you never know. I'm not a fan of Derek and Ruth and I'm secretly hoping Grey and Derek get back together. As for Alex, I wish Izzy would just tell him that Rebecca/Eva isn't preggers.... That is just so evil to string him along like that.

was a great day! I played in a reverse, co-ed, grass volleyball tournament in Centennial Park in Tustin. May
I just say, before I go on, that park is soooo weird! It's right in the middle of a residential community which is cool and all. But i'm talking like houses are in a circle and the park is right in the middle. Look it up on a map, you'll see what i'm talking about. Anyway, so we were there from 9:00 til about 6:30pm. Yeah it was a long ass day but it was well worth it in the end. Why you ask? Because my partner Christian and I WON THE WHOLE TOURNEY! That's right folks we are Grass Stain Invitational Champions! Yes, we are the shit! As a result I am sun burned yet again (even though I did put on sunscreen this time!) and my shorts and razorback tan is worse than ever. But like I said, it was well worth it!

was Mother's Day! It was my second official Mother's Day! My first official (and by official I mean when TJ was out of my womb) I was sick as a dog in Savannah, GA. So needless to say this one was much better. My dad went above and beyond. My mom invited all of our relatives over so that all the mom's could be together and celebrate together. My dad bbq-ed
some mean ribs and we had a really great lunch/dinner all together. And for this special occasion my parents got me a new pair of shoes. I got these shoes but in a brown subtle animal print. They're so cute. I already had a pair of these but in a red snake skin, but I couldn't pass up another pair. Afterall, they're really cute and most of all, really comfy!

was another busy day here at Western...

was yet another busy day here at Western but I managed to squeeze enough time to watch Greek and the Hills online. I suppose we can start with the Hills...
As my friend Katelin so eloquently put it, "why do we watch this show?". It's sort of ridiculous now! I mean all the drama and stuff, but it's like crack; once you start, it's hard to stop (not that ive ever done anything with crack.. that's just what i've heard). The drama is so fake now and I really just want to slap a ho! haha! No but seriously, why do we watch this show!?! But i just can't get enough of it. Although the whole Heidi, Spencer, Stephanie-can't-hang-out-with-Lauren thing is sort of ridiculous now. Now I would really slap them if I could. Aaaaaanyway no more craziness until August because it was the season finale.. thank goodness!
As for Greek... now I really do like this show. Not just because I was friends with Spencer Grammer (although that does help), it's genuinely a decent show. I think Franny has a secret crush on Evan. Evan is an asshole for paying off Shane (the cute new guy) to not hang out with Casey. And Cappy and Rebecca are the epitome of "Opposites Attract".

Anyway, I'm so excited for today though. Tonight is the ANTM season, i'm sorry, 'cycle' finale! I need to catch up on it online. I need to see who's still in it. shh, don't tell me. I probably won't watch it tonight so don't say anything. It's volleyball night tonight and that is way more important than tv! Aaand, the Lakers play tonight. Game 5 against the Utah Jazz here at the Staples center. All I know is we'd better kick some Jazz A$$. Alright, now that you are sufficiently caught up, I'll go now.... until next time :)

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